Even if the sun isn’t shining outside there is still something pleasing about tasting a fresh summer cocktail, it can also help set you in the summery mood!
Our preference even though we are biased is for a summer cocktail with fizz and there are plenty of options for a prosecco cocktail or variations on that theme.
We have put together a list of our five favourite summer cocktails that are based on classic champagne and prosecco cocktails but with our own unique twist.
Although we say summer cocktails there is no reason you can’t enjoy them all year around!

Mimosa margaritas – a prosecco cocktail with a difference!
Ingredients for 8 servings:
- 500ml Orange juice
- 125ml Tequila (the better quality option the better your summer cocktail will taste)
- 1 bottle of Renegade and Longton elderflower sparkling wine
- 62.5ml Fresh lime for juice and garnish
- Course salt for garnish
- For serving wide rimmed glasses
In a jug combine the tequila, orange juice, ice and lime juice then mix to combine.
Rim the glasses with a lime wedge and dip this in the course salt.
Then in a ratio of half and half pour in the orange mix and the elderflower sparkling wine, keeping the ice out of the glass. Serve with a slice of lime to garnish.
We first tried this cocktail in a ski resort when we had a spare bottle of our elderflower sparkling wine and some tequila it immediately brought back images of the summer and the beach despite our very wintry setting.
It is probably best enjoyed on a late summer evening with the sun setting over the sea with a medley of fresh seafood in front of you.

Sparkling wine punch – the ultimate party summer cocktail!
Ingredients for 6 servings:
- 100ml brandy
- 100ml Cointreau
- 1 bottle of Renegade and Longton blush elderflower and rhubarb sparkling wine
- 375ml soda water (if you prefer sweeter drinks you can add lemonade)
- 1 orange rind
- Pineapple slices
- Orange slices
- Mint
- Strawberries
For serving a large bowl, short glasses and a ladle
In bowl mix together all the liquid ingredients pouring the sparkling wine in slowly so that your summer cocktail doesn’t lose it’s fizz too quickly.
Add in the fruit and ice stirring slowly. The larger the ice the better as this will stop it diluting the punch too quickly.
Serve with a ladle into smaller glasses.

This is the ultimate summer cocktail and our take on a pimms, although a little more alcohol is involved. This is the go to drink for entertaining when we host a party.
A whisky sparkling wine crossover cocktail – a prosecco cocktail with a difference!
Ingredients for 6 servings:
- 500ml Bourbon for example Maker’s Mark
- 500ml Strong tea (preferably green tea)
- 1 bottle of Renegade and Longton blush elderflower and rhubarb sparkling wine
- 60g granulated sugar
- Peel and juice from 2 lemons and 1 orange
- Fresh nutmeg for garnish
- For serving short tumbler glasses
In a jug combine the sugar and peel of the lemons and orange, muddle together until the sugar starts to take on moisture from the peel.
Brew the tea for about 30 minutes and remove the tea bag/leaves before allowing to cool.
Once cool add the tea, ice and juice from the peeled fruits to the jug and mix to combine.
Serve in large tumbler glasses topping with the elderflower and rhubarb sparkling wine and grate the fresh nutmeg over the top.
Serve with a ladle into smaller glasses.
A classic champagne or prosecco cocktail this is not but we still thought it worth including! We first tried it on a rare Saturday afternoon off when we had time to experiment on some cocktails and happened to have some cold tea leftover.
This one is best enjoyed slowly on a warm summer evening after dinner perhaps with some nice chocolate.

Summer cocktail Moscow mules with sparkling wine
Ingredients for 6 servings :
- 75ml Ginger liquor
- 150ml Vodka
- 1 bottle of Renegade and Longton elderflower sparkling wine
- 75ml Fresh lime for juice and garnish
- Fresh mint for garnish
- For serving a champagne flute
Combine the vodka, ginger liquor, ice and lime juice in a jug.
Bruise the mint and add to the champagne flute.
Then in a ratio of two thirds sparkling wine and one third vodka mix combine in the glass, keeping the ice out. Serve with a slice of lime and sprig of mint to garnish.

We actually discovered this cocktail from a fellow exhibitor at a food and drink festival a few summers ago. Their product was a British vodka and they were describing this cocktail as a prosecco cocktail, although with a little persuasion from us they realised it would be much better with our elderflower sparkling wine.
A picnic or food festival is the definite best place for this drink although it is strong so watch yourself in the sun if you have more than one!
Refreshing prosecco cocktails
Ingredients for 6 servings :
- 1 bottle of Renegade and Longton elderflower sparkling wine
- 85g Caster sugar
- 50ml Fresh lemon juice
- 20g fresh mint
- For serving champagne flutes
In a pan heat the sugar and lemon juice over a low heat and simmer for 2 minutes to create a syrup. Remove this from the heat and leave to cool. This can be made in advance and left for up to a week in the fridge.
To serve pour the lemon syrup into the bottom of a champagne flute and add in some mint leaves that have been crushed to release their flavour. Finally top up with the chilled elderflower sparkling wine and garnish with some mint sprigs.
This is the one of the simplest summer cocktails but we also think one of the best for it’s freshness and another bonus for those counting it is a lower calorie cocktail option.
Perfect as a refreshing drink in the late afternoon to finish off a stressful week and to welcome in the weekend!

These are only a few of the hundreds of summer cocktails available and there are plenty of other champagne and prosecco cocktails that are easy to tweak for our wines as well! If you do come up with any new cocktail ideas please do post them on our social pages as we are always keen to learn new concoctions.
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